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About us


Integral Sustainability Education (ISE):



The need for a more sustainable lifestyle is very clear, when we bring to mind the different challenges that the human society is facing and the destructive effects it has on nature and the planet as a whole.


Integral Sustainability means using the infinite human creativity and resources to create a thriving society that lives in harmony with Earth. We believe that personal growth is the base for social and environmental transformation.


Integral Sustainability Education (ISE) is an Israeli, Brazilian and Russian non-profit initiative, intended to spread and share ideas and experiences in eco-living from our communities to the whole globe. We are a group of multidisciplinary researchers, artists, therapists and Permaculture Designers.


In ISE we are experimenting new ways to spread knowledge and implement sustainable living in all fields of life. 

ISE in the globe

Globally we have created three retreats of 2-3 months scheduled 2014/2016 around the world: Altay - ChaChzhayevka dancing and tea Ecovillage, Brazil - the Center of Dance and Permaculture near the National Reserve of Chapada Diamantina and Israel - the retreat center of Fairy Forest in the Carmel Mountains and/or Yatir Herbs Farm in the desert.


Participants of one retreat will receive basic knowledge and the skills that are necessary for the independent organic life on earth: Planning and design on the basis of the principles of Permaculture and Integral Sustainability, including financial planning, eco-construction, cultivation of the earth and plants, building the relations in a community, joint decision-making, development of body and dance, joint improvisation, creation of an organic life, healing, use of herbs.


Participants of all three retreats will receive enough skills to become initiators, educators or consultants-assistants for (re)creating (new) Ecovillages. People with such experience are now highly demanded all over the world.




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