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Our Philosophy:

Integral Sustainability Education

We are a group of facilitators, researchers and artists of diverse modalities. In our path we discovered that meeting for a few days festival or workshop, builds up a beautiful energy and yet does not reach the depths of process, knowledge, positive impact on the surroundings and transformation we know we can reach. We wish to leave a material creation to serve after us. We also believe that the development of human consciousness in this time is of great importance and it can be extremely accelerated when approaching it from many angles, modalities and fields of life. 

According to Ken Wilber, a contemporary philosopher and the author of The Integral Theory, the human development accelerate when he achieves his self-growing in 4 main fields:


                    Body Awareness - Emotion Awareness

            Mental model to grasp the Existence – Spiritual practice



It does not matter which specific practice one chose to follow, Contact Improvisation or Yoga, ThetaHealing or Budaism, Family Constellations or... What matters is that you practice some work, in all fields. When we address the sustainability theme: we come to an understanding that there is a challenge, and this challenge is a lot about relationships. We can observe it through the 4 fields of the Integral Model:


*Relations with our Human society - respect to our human brothers, sisters and cultures.

*Relations with the Nature - our ecological systems, who support our survival.

*Relations with the my-self - who I am and acceptance of what I feel/emotions.

*Relation with the Universe - the concept of being one with all that is.


We are living in a fascinating time. Time of challenging crises and grate opportunities!! Climate changes, car accidents, hunger, depression, financial collapses, ethnic conflicts, resource depletion, incurable diseases and more are different expressions of the current humanity chalenge. The emergence of so many challenges is enabling us to see the connections between the various crises and identify patterns that they share. Doing so, we begin to see through symptoms and identify the common root of things. The partial ability of human society to live in harmony creates a reality of collusion between different elements and interests, bringing to erosion and collapse of life's systems, whether personal, cultural or ecological. Observing this there is an understanding forming that we are facing one crisis with many faces, which increases the need to study harmony in all aspects.

Instead of seeking countless local remedies and different technical solutions to numerous different problems (which continue to appear), we prefer to adopt a more creative approach to problem solving: A holistic approach which allows us to design sustainable systems based on the synergy and interactions between the different components: Human, Social, Ecological and Spiritual.

Indeed, this holistic approach is developed and implemented by a growing number of movements, methodologies, communities, organizations and individuals working in diverse areas: environment, peace, education, democracy, consciousness, healing, nutrition, lifestyle and more, by academic research, practical experience and direct experience.




A 2-3 months deepening laboratory for diverse skills of life.

- We will live together in a place, being connected to the nature.

- First we’ll learn how to listen to the place, the needs of nature and the community and plan the building with an Intensive Permaculture Design course.

- Second, while we grow our food in the garden, live as a community, cook our organic food, we will go through an individual and group process of self-awareness, expansion of consciousness and connecting with body, emotions, earth and spirit.

- We will experience a new way of living, spending our days building ecosystems, dancing, meditating, singing, sharing and just being!

- Gradually we’ll share the fruits of our process with the world by opening some of our activities to the local surrounding community and the global community. Some of the classes and courses will be for the group as well as for wider circles. Also according to the real needs of the surrounding local communities we can integrate in the syllabus projects of benefit to these communities, such as Community of dance/theater/garden etc.

- We will leave after us a beautiful paradise, with infrastructures and facilities to be further nurtured and used by more people.

- The aim of the project is to give tools to support further ecological projects. There will be a possibility to enroll to the programm of integral susteinability in different climate zones such as tropical (Brazil) or desert (Israel). The student of the plan will be qualified for supporting ecovillages projects. See: Other Projects link.



During the 2-3 Months we will experience:



Permaculture Design* Theta Healing* Dao of Quantom Being *Contact improvisation* Authentic        Movement *Movement Somatics Approach* Body Work* Biodanza *Vegetarian cooking and nutrition      *Human communications* Teamwork skills *Medicinal Herbs Knowledge* And more...





Skills to be learned with this project:


- Permaculture Design

- Ecological Agriculture

- Skills to live sustainable (with the envirolment, emotional, financially)...

- Basic knowledge of medicinal herbs (soap, honey...)

- Basics to live in the nature and how to build an Ecovillage/Ecocenter.

- Communication Skills, group process experience, skills for facilitating/leading groups (how to give your material to others).

- General diet knowledge. Vegetarian Cuisine.

- Acomplish tasks as a team, group, community.

- Intuitive skills and listening.

- Knowledge of body function (experimental anatomy, developmental movement)

- Self-organization, self-learning and auto-didactic skills.




Draft for Syllabus and schedule: (It is a proposal, base for changes depending on the conditions...)


1) First 2 weeks we will arrive at the place and create the infrastructure for living comfortably, this will include:


a) Intense Permaculture Design course, some of the subjects on course: Sustainable Agriculture, Water harvesting and recycling, Renewable Energy, Reversing Soil erosion and building the fertile earth, Designing and planning process, Food forest, Ecological houses, Green building techniques, Sustainable economics, Community, Waste management and more.

b) Observation of needs, dreams, resources and different factors of the location - Overview Plan according to observations, as a group - Work plan for the building in the next months according to needs and priorities.

c) Self arranging community agreement of how to live together...


2) In further weeks, dayly routine, as described bellow.


3) Weekend Courses, and longer Intensives – ThetaHealing, Developmental Movement, Contact Improvisation, The Dao of Quantum Being.


4) Community support as needed.


5) Weekly authentic movement practice, Contact Improvisation, Biodanza, Yoga in the mornings, movement laboratories, Permaculture practice.


6) To be further developed. 



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