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Educational Approach

The basic ISE approach is “Teaching what we are living” and "Living what we are teaching".


We found, that sharing daily life as a group with a teacher has a great value. Unlike the traditional western education, our pedagogy is focused on life wisdom, practical experience and the individual process of the student in addition to theoretical studies. The learning takes place not only in a class time, but actually in the daily life, at meals, evening talks, while working together and in the studio. In this way, theoretical and practical knowledge are integrated and embodied in an authentic way for every individual. We believe in a personal approach, adapting the program to the needs of the individual and the group. This approach is inspired by the “Active Learning Model” of Permaculture study methods.


In the past, people went to live with a master, and learned a profession while also learning everything about the person's life experience, the master was also someone to ask advice from. In ISE, every teacher has a lot to give, but we also trust the student’s natural curiosity, intelligence and inner wisdom - to lead the student to specialize in her\his own interests and tendencies. In ISE, for every program we are attentively choosing a team of teachers, deeply experienced and experts in various fields of life, who are Seekers of the truth, in it’s infinite ways. In addition, we look for people that have capacity to lead, educate, support individual and group processes. We also build the team long time before every project to integrate the teachers as an harmonious group.


ISE combines theory and practical experience

Some of us learned in academy, some in Ashrams, international workshops, different institutes of knowledge, and from lifeexperiences. We found that very valuable knowledge comes from the particular personal experience. The educational program is designed to give the participant real experience in many fields of life, connected with a clear thread of our ideas about the deep and wide changes we need to do in many aspects of our life as Humans (see more in our Philosophy). We help people to connect and fulfill their potential by providing: Theoretical models like Permaculture, Spiral Dynamics, Economics, Developmental Movement, Sacred Geometry and more, plus personal experience to create a real Individual Knowledge. Individual knowledge is the most precious value for us, it is something you can’t learn from a book or a theory, you need to go out and live it. That’s what we invite you to evolve with us!



During one program a participant is getting certified as:

- Permaculture Designer (Basic), (a certificate by the Israeli PC Association)

- ThetaHealing® Practitioner - Basic & ThetaHealing® Practitioner - Advanced certificates 

- Body Awareness Program (a certificate by United Psychological Center)

- Quantum Being Practitioner (Emotional therapeutic work)

- Integral Sustainability Education certificate.


Being certified in ISE, means you have explored the principles that are the fundamental essence of different modalities you’ve learned, and you are able to implement those basic universal principles in your individual way in any modality and fields of life you focus on. Developing a strong state of presence and consciousness (see more in article about fields of life in integral theory).


ISE programs can last between 2 to 5 months long, and take place in different ecological locations around the Globe. The Idea is that while educating ourselves, we also support and create a positive effect in places, like young Eco-communities, new Eco-centers, etc., by building needed infrastructure during our practical building classes, and sharing our knowledge with the local community. The Educational program is designed to encourage a more sustainable way of living in few fields of life: Ecology, Society, Personal Health and spiritual.

We will improve the student's sustainable skills by the practice in few overlapping stages:


First stage: Giving practical tools for life at the location where the seminar takes place, it will include the following classes: General building skills, Geodesic domes, gardening, Permaculture Design, using tools, body awareness whith physical work, cuisine, learn the local vegetation and medicinal/eatable plants, soap making, baking, traditional local crafts, newest green technologies, agriculture and more.


Second stage: Creating a common “language” in the group, we will develop a variety of communication skills, verbal, physical and emotional. Solving conflict abilities, taking decisions as a group, learning therapy skills like ThetaHealing® and Quantum Being, Sharing and talking circles, exploring our patterns and emotions through Dance and movement, like Contact Improvisation, Biodanza, Somatic studies and more.


Third stage: Practicing Personal Maintenance. We will practice and teach this through focusing during the daily routine on leading principals and questions such as: What does my body need? How do I bring to balance my need to rest and the needs of the group? How do I process my emotions and share them without projecting on the others? How can I be more efficient with my body when I dance and when I build?


Fourth stage: Co-creating a life routine, discussing as a group the needs of individuals together with the goals of the group and the needs of the place. It is a time of integration of the group process and all the knowledge. Exploring daily life as an Integral Sustainable society, reaching a daily rhythm and simply enjoying life together.



Learning Platforms:


During the program students will learn in various ways, such as:


Small groups tasks - Cooperate, plan and implement together, theoretical, and practical tasks

Frontal lectures - Receiving theoretical and practical information from the various teachers

Group process - Learning from the interactions within the group.

Learning to share and solve conflicts - Individual Research - Learning autodidact skills, in movement and sustainability fields

Group leading- Tasks of teaching a class or passing an activity to the other members of the group

Performance Art project - The group will create and present together an art performance

Personal Project to life - Developing a personal vision, project for the future where the student can implement the tools and individual knowledge. We encourage students to research the IS ideas in life after the project. To be initiators and take part in new ways of life. Students will Use the Permaculture Design tools to present individual or group project to be implemented after the education program.

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