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Healing Program


ThetaHealing - Basic and Advanced course


Theta Healing® is a wonderfully simple healing modality, based on the technique of focused thoughts and the use of Theta brainwaves. Theta Healing® teaches how to use our natural intuition in order to achieve healing and manifest desired reality in the physical level, as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The conscious use of the Theta brainwaves awakes the intuitive potential that exists within every person and allows a deep observation of the belief systems which are leading us and into renewed choice of creating a reality of abundance, happiness and love to ourselves and the people that surround us. 


The participants will become certified Theta Healing® Basic Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner, by the Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge (THInK).  


The basic training is a three days deep transformational experience, being the gate to the world of Theta Healing®. In that course we'll teach what are the Theta brainwaves, how we can reach them consciously and use them in order to achieve a great change in different aspects of our lives, with our self and our environment. 


In the curriculum:


The Intuitive Senses

Intuitive Body Scanning

Spontaneous Healing

Empowering Believes - To acknowledge the path I have passed 

Limiting Belief System and how we are able to change them

Emotional Work - Teaching the body new feelings

Soul Fragments

Psychic Hooks

Communicating with Guardian Angles 


and more...


The Advanced training deepens the knowledge and the experience of the Basic training, expands the study of the Seven Planes of Existence and the healing potential within them. In that training we bring advanced healing techniques such as heart healing, sending healing to an embryo in the womb and more... 

Most of this training is focused on creating a space for self-healing and personal inner work on the inner healer within us, through instilling supportive and empowering believes and emotions.




The Heart Song


The Heart Song is one of the advanced and powerful healing techniques offered by Thetahealing®. Using it allows the expression of deep emotions of sadness and grief that may accumulate in a person when they are not being acknowledged, or when their free expression is not permitted. The person may also be carrying grief from other generations and from others with whom he identifies (relatives, friends or clients). The sounds that are being produced in the Heart Song technique allow a gentle flow of locked energy to be released from the body, thus expanding the inner space available for Unconditional Love, with the beneficent effect of voice vibration on all the cells and organs in the body. As practitioners, the witnessing and support we offer in this process assist the client in experiencing the presence of "negative" feelings in a safe and containing space, and releasing them while listening to them consciously and compassionately, without skipping essential steps in the healing process.


In this workshop we will practice breathing, observation and voice exercises guided practice of the Heart Song healing sounds meditation healing and sacred chanting circle


Quantum Touch -

Healing through body touch


To touched the body and its energetic field in a way which allow it to balance with no effort.Learning how to awaken the healing abilities of the body with a unique touching way, and connect to the heart energetic field and widen our communication abilities through that in all aspects of life to discover and learn how to release from the inside in a deep level.


Quantum Being


QUANTUM BEING is a sacred way to use our inner compass and to connect to our infinite wisdom heartlistening to our inner guidance and widen our ability to receive information in all levels of our being and allow emotional healing to happens from its route. In Quantum Being we are going to learn what our heart already knows, which is: how to allow the energy of love that opens the door for healing to manifest itself in our body, while all we have to do is to be present in a way which I like to call - Quantum Being.The essence of it all is the listening to the heart of the things in every aspect in life. It stands in the base of every healing method and in any self development tool. Quantum Being gives you the tools to choose your own path in life, in a way that will develop not only you, but also the people around you, your family, your friends and of course mother nature as well.




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